Sunday, July 28, 2013

Emotion In Motion

The thing I treasure most in our DVD collection is our wedding video, although I wouldn't expect anyone to be surprised by that.  Dusty and I were definitely in the "budget" category when it came to our special day, but we were okay with that because at the end of it all, we were going to be married regardless of whether it cost $100 or $1,000,000 to get us there, and that was what was most important to us.

All that to say, while our wedding video would most likely never win any Oscars, it was perfect for us - we were so grateful to find someone to capture our special day with the type of budget we were working with (hey, if you've been there, you know you have to make some cuts somewhere).  All I really wanted from our wedding video was the capture the emotion in motion, and you know what?  That's exactly what happened.

We didn't need an award-winning cinematographer to make our day look special to us - it was already the best day of our lives, and seeing any memories or mementos from our wedding day takes us right back there to the emotions we felt.  We were so happy and I can't count or tell you the number of times Dusty or I said to one another, "Man, today has been PERFECT."  Dusty even said to me while dancing during our reception, "Honey, I just have to say thank you for all your hard work because I really don't think today could have ever been any better."  There's no compliment that I could have gotten that was better than that.  It only slightly beat out the multiple times one or more of our guests came up to us and said how much fun they were having or that our wedding was truly a reflection of us.

Either way, I can't show our whole wedding video to you because I doubt anyone would want to sit at their computer for more than an hour, and I wouldn't tie up your lives like that.  (If you know us personally and want to see it, let us know and we'll have you on over for a popcorn and movie night!)  :)

Instead, I'll leave you with our video trailer, since it is our first anniversary and all, and seeing it makes me happy all over again.


One Year Ago Today....

I was surrounded by my closest family and friends....

I got to have my hair and makeup professionally done (by hair and makeup goddesses, no less!) and I got to wear the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen (one I'd wear every single day if I could)...

I got to feel like a total princess for a day...

I got to walk down an aisle with my mom since my dad was joining us from Heaven...

I took my last steps as a single woman, and I did so towards the most handsome man I've ever had the privilege of knowing and that my eyes had ever had the honor of seeing...

There were beautiful songs sung by people we love....

There were beautiful words read by my very first friend of this world...

There was a personal, perfect-for-us ceremony by one of our pastors...

There was the most important covenant made that will ever be made in our lifetimes, between God, husband, and wife...

There was a very special that seemed a little different somehow...

There was a journey to the rest of our life together with my...wait for it....husband!

There were pictures taken which now adorn the walls of our first home together and remind us of the simply incredible friends we are so blessed to have...


There were some REALLY cute nieces and nephews...

There was FOOD that was to die for...

There was dancing....

There was laughter....

There were tears...


There was the most beautiful cake....

There was a venue that was a true labor of love to decorate, but once it was complete was

There was a full moon...

There were sparklers...

There was true, pure, unconditional love...

One year ago today, there simply was the Best Day Ever...


And ever since that day, I consider myself to be the luckiest girl alive. No matter the mountains or valleys of our journey, I am humbled beyond belief that God chose me to live this life, and that He made a man like my husband. 

I wake up every day mystified and blown away that my husband chose me.  I will never take that for granted, nor will I ever stop working to be the type of wife and woman that deserves all that I've been blessed with.


Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary, Dusty! 

I will never stop thanking God for leading us to one another and for letting us do life together!  I love you so very much, and as I tell you all the time, you are my favorite person in the entire world! 
You're my lobster, babe!

Love Always,
Your Wife, Ribs

Monday, July 22, 2013

It's A.....

It's also one of the most talked-about events of 2013!  I know this wee little lad will probably end up with 8-15 names, but I am thrilled along with the rest of the world at his arrival!  I've always been a fan of the Royal Family, and I happened to fall in love with Kate Middleton, right alongside Prince William (well, not in the romantic way, obviously)!  She has carried herself with class, grace, and style since she came onto the scene, and I think that's really saying something (especially as much as she's followed and hounded by paparazzi).  She seems to be completely down to earth and "normal" and there is no denying how fashionable she is!  Love it!


Congratulations to William & Kate on their new addition! 

Do any of you out there have any projections or guesses on what kind of crazy lengthy name this little guy will have?

10 Relationship Don't's

Where did we leave off last time?  Ah, yes, with some things that you should "do" in relationships - now, the flipside of my non-professional opinion! 

1.  Don't talk negatively about your partner to others.

This is a tough one.  Let's get serious - sometimes your partner is going to do something that drives you crazy, or makes you want to go postal on unsuspecting victims.  There are going to be times when you need to vent about it to someone.  Newsflash:  That's okay!  The trick here is to make sure that you're speaking about your partner in an objective way, and not a negative way.  There is no need to drag your significant other through the mud when he/she has done something that doesn't suit you.  You can discuss a situation without ranting about it.  Also, a sidenote here that I've learned from experience:  if you want to have a venting session, it's always better to do this with a friend and not your family.  God love them, but they will judge your partner FOREVER on everything and it doesn't matter if the judgment is made on good things or bad things.

2.  Don't stop planning together for the future.

We, as humans, were designed to move forward.  Stationary is not in our DNA.  When you stop creating dreams with your partner (especially dreams for your future together), you drift apart.  Think about it - it's good to set goals and have dreams for yourself.  I want to get this job.  I want to one day afford a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes.  Whatever floats your boat.  The same is true of your relationship.  Set goals for the future.  One day, let's try to buy a house.  In three years, let's start having children.  Let's renew our vows at ten years.  Let's save our money and plan that amazing vacation we've always talked about. You get the picture!

3.  Don't be automatically defensive.

This is one that I constantly struggle with.  What can I say...I'm nothing if not scrappy.  Sometimes, I have a hard time distinguishing the difference between a calm, constructive conversation and a full-blown ambush-style attack.  I work really hard to practice listening over defending myself because sometimes, it's genuinely not necessary.  Sometimes, people tend to miss the point of the conversation because they're busy plotting their rebuttal to the first thing that was said.  This is not a good, nor effective practice, and therefore, it made my don't list.

4.  Don't be the end-all, be-all in your relationship.

Okay, say it with me, friends - "Smothering leads to death."  I have a hard time keeping my lunch down when I see a couple who is so imbalanced in regards to time spent apart from one another.  I have literally had to force myself to not react or say something I shouldn't when I see someone literally go off because their significant other is hanging out with his or her friends.  Oh, the horror.  It's good for you to have friends.  It's good for your partner to have friends.  It's good for each of you to see said friends on a semi-regular basis.  Everyone gets busy, but time should be made for friends.  If your man/woman wants to have time with their boys/girls, let them go - even if you don't have any plans for yourself.  (Cue horrified face.)  Use that time by yourself to read a book, take a bubble bath, watch a movie that your partner doesn't want to see, do laundry, exercise - take time for YOU.  As long as you and your partner are comfortable with the company and activities involved, there should be no reason to permanently attach Velcro to your bodies.

5.  Don't lose yourself.

This one goes hand-in-hand with number four.  Oftentimes, I've witnessed people who completely change when they start dating someone new.  They're more concerned with being whomever their partner desires rather than being themselves and finding someone who wants who they are.  Here's a fun fact of the day - dating is usually hard.  The "right one" is not dangled in front of your face for a reason - you have to do the work!  That's why you date.  You don't decide that you like someone, then figure out what they like, and then turn yourself into that, all chameleon-like.  It's not healthy.  Don't drop your friends and family and become obsessed with the person you're dating.  The right person will fit into your life because they are a part of your life, not because they've become your entire life.  Prayer definitely helps in this department!  (Who am I kidding?  It helps in ALL departments!)

6.  Don't go to bed angry/don't leave angry.

There are different schools of thought on this one, but I'm on team "don't do it."  I can get behind the "take a few minutes to cool down" scenario, but I cannot accept someone rolling over and going on with life as though nothing happened.  Something happened.  Hash it out in the calmest and most constructive way you can.  The goal is that both parties can go to sleep satisfied about something.  Everything might not work out just the way you wanted it to, but it will be better in the morning, even if you are tired and cranky. I'm also big on not storming out on someone when you're angry.  Number One, you SHOULD NOT be driving when you're that emotional.  Number Two, how is the other person supposed to trust you to stick around if you are constantly showing them that you'll walk out?  No bueno and no me gusta.

7.  Don't allow fear to be the driving force in your relationship.

In life, crap happens. Someone most likely will treat you badly in some form and you will be forced to carry the baggage of that around (maybe even for the rest of your life). While it's unfortunate, you're not alone in this, and the trick is to not let the baggage weigh you down. You cannot punish your new partner for an old partner's mistakes. They are not the same people and should not be compared to one another. It's okay to use what you've learned and experienced in past relationships to make your current relationship better, but you have to really be attentive and know when you're allowing the fear of what happened before hinder what could happen in your future. Don't beat yourself before you even begin something beautiful.

*Sidenote: In all honesty, if you feel your baggage is too heavy to deal with, please seek out a therapist or counselor. There is absolutely no shame in that, and there is an entire profession that exists to help people with all kinds of situations! All you have to do is seek help.

8.  Don't value being right over being a loving partner.

If your relationship's dialogue consists more of, "Boom!  In your FACE!" than anything else, there's probably some big issues there.  We all love to feel the high of being right.  Even better?  The high of knowing that other people know you're right.  That's okay, but you have to keep it in check.  Don't put more into proving to your partner that you're right than you do into finding a solution.  Who cares if your partner swore up and down that Richard Gere starred in Dirty Dancing when the entire world knows it was Patrick Swayze?  I've witnessed folks get downright nasty about something as trivial as that, and it was sickening to see them revel in embarassing their partner in front of people.  Uh-uh.  Not cool. Need more info? Check out number one of this very post.

9.  Don't use what you have as a weapon.

Your love. Your intimacy. Your families. Your kids. Your faith. Your secrets. Your dreams.  All of the things I just listed are the puzzle pieces that your relationship is made of.  These are things that are sacred and precious to you and to your partner.  How many times have you heard someone say, "Oh yeah? Well, you just cost yourself ____."  "You can consider the kitchen closed." "Well, if you're going to be that way, I guess you won't be needing ______."  Do not threaten your partner with any of these things.  That is a low blow to beat all low blows. 

10.  Don't define love as a noun.

Something I've come to understand is that love as a noun is ephemeral. (Ephemeral means 'lasting for a very short time.')  It's conditional.  "I'll love him as long as he never does this."  "If you ever cheat on me, I'll leave."  There are many conditions we've all heard before that "determine" whether or not someone will stay with their partner.  I've also seen so many times where love was spoken but not done.  I try to define love as a verb - it's something that we do.  Saying the words doesn't make them so.  It's the actions that make someone understand that you're in this for the long haul.  I am starting to really  understand unconditional love in relationships.  I've seen people go through things that I've seen ten other couples end a marriage over.  Guess what?  In about 90% of those cases, the couples who stayed together and worked through their issues are some of the happiest and most fulfilled people I know.  The ones who left?  They've bounced from relationship to relationship because they accept what is as status quo.  They don't stand and fight for their relationships.  I choose love as a verb.

*Sidenote:  There are some things that SHOULD NOT be accepted.  Abuse is one of those things.  Putting your partner in danger is one of those things.  There are always exceptions to any rule, and I would never encourage anyone to "stay and fight" if they're up against someone who takes that literally.  If you find yourself in a situation like that, please ask for help and get out.  The right person is out there waiting for you, and you don't have to take that anymore.

As I've said in the posts before, these are simply lists that I wanted to jot down primarily for myself.  I want to take my own advice and I want to put to action what I've learned over the years.  I'm not qualified, nor should I be used as the end-all, be-all for your relationships.  I don't want any, "Well, Mrs. Ribs said it so it must be so" situations on my hands.

I hope we all can help one another out in making our relationships better than ever!  I want us all to be more than happy, and I started this series because I get asked for advice when people see that I've lived through certain situations.  I figured that there may be someone too shy to ask, and maybe these could help you out!

Are there any you would add to this list?  Leave a comment!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Uphill Climb

In life, you can pretty much expect to have many obstacles to overcome - pain, suffering, trials, tribulations, loss, change, and many other variations.  Some view them as hurdles, others as mountains, but most would agree that they are challenges.  Some choose to run from challenges, while others readily yell, "Bring it on!"  As for me, I think a good challenge now and then is a very positive thing, as it teaches you many lessons.  While I could take time to digress on the topic of challenges, the uphill climb of this post is very literally that - Dusty and I went on a hike last weekend and it was most definitely an uphill climb!

To start, it was an insanely humid absolutely gorgeous day.  We drove quite a ways to our destination and it was such a cool journey!  The views were picturesque and it was interesting to go around the really windy roads!  We were bound and determined to find and hike what is called Devil's Marbleyard (you'll soon see why).  When we got there, we crossed the little footbridge and Dusty graciously obliged me in the multiple photo ops of the day.

At the very start...not sweaty and gross.
According to my own common sense and every single person I talked to, this sign is way off the mark as far as mileage goes. It was WAY further than 1 mile, but that just added to the adventure and mystery of our trip!
Dusty, getting acquainted with the trail system.
Me, getting acquainted with the idea that we may be eaten by bears.
The hike starts to get steep. See how Dusty looks tiny up there???

The trail was actually pretty steep for most of the way - it was not too long before sweaty and gross became two adjectives that accurately portrayed us.  You can see from the picture above how rocky the trail was, too!  It was a constant mission of focus so you could do your best to avoid tripping or rolling your ankle!  It was absolutely a workout, but it was so pretty along the way - I'd happily trade the gym for these views!

Dusty surveys the best route across the creek! "Don't get your shoes wet!"
And this is the best route.
Crazy cool hot orange mushrooms were EVERYWHERE!
Waterfall!!!!  So pretty!

One thing that was undeniable was the glory of God!  To see all of the intricate details of His world on this hike, it was genuinely mind-boggling.  It was easy to feel so small in this vast display of nature, but it was also just as easy to feel special that He wanted to let us be a part of it!

After hiking 100 miles a few miles, we finally reached what we'd come to conquer - the devil's marbles!!!!  Now, keep in mind, we ordinarily would never be interested in walking anywhere with the devil even though we're completely aware that he walks among us every day.  This site, however, could not have been created by anyone other than our great and glorious God!  I need to research where Devil's Marbleyard gets its name! 
Do you see that white section towards the top of the mountain?????

Here it is up close!  Is this not the coolest?!?!? Literally the top of the mountain is littered with huge rocks or "marbles" and they're just in one spot on the mountain!!!! Doesn't Dusty look like a total stud here????
We finally made it!
Celebratory smooch for surviving! (Although, please note that storm behind us).
So, we finally made it to the marbles and were intending to scale them all the way to the top.  The plans changed, however, right after the photo above was taken.  It literally began to POUR DOWN rain seconds after that picture - we almost didn't even have time to get the phone back in the backpack! While most people would be completely bummed to have made it that far and not be able to complete the challenge, Dusty and I were nothing but grateful.  We really did want to finish, but it had been SO HOT and humid on the hike that this storm was so refreshing! In fact, I'd even go so far as to say it was romantic, as well! You have to imagine it from my perspective.  Here I was, sitting on a gorgeous mountain top with the person I love more than anyone in the world. It was just the two of us - there wasn't another human in sight - and we had just helped each other complete a very physically demanding challenge.  We literally felt on top of the world and so incredibly small at the same time looking at the wonders around us, but how awesome it was to be able to experience that together!

The one disturbance to my romantic scene was reality.  When it rains, huge rocks get really slippery really quickly.  When you and your husband are literally sitting on huge slippery rocks, and you're surrounded by huge slippery rocks preventing you from getting back to the trail in every direction, it's easy to feel a tad bit panicked.  What do you do?  Leave it to Dusty to be the leader, protector, and provider he is!  He found the PERFECT little canopy of trees that were growing over a section of the rocks, and it was completely dry there!  He lead me to our little "fort" and we waited out the storm there and enjoyed a much-needed water break and each other's company.  We were drenched and looked pretty hilarious!

Once the storm had passed, it was back down the mountain.  As I mentioned before, the trail was miles long and we didn't want to be hiking in the dark!  Our hike down was just as gorgeous as it was on the way up!

Drenched but alive and well!
I am the luckiest.

There are many reasons why I absolutely adored this weekend outing, but I'll outline my top 5.  Here goes nothing.

1. I got to spend some "unplugged," uninterrupted quality time with my husband - in this day and age, that is a big deal, and it made me so happy that we consciously made each other our number one priority.
2. We truly got to experience an adventure - we didn't know where we were going, how long it would take to get there, how many miles the journey would end up to be, how challenging the trail was.  We got to tackle this adventure together as a team!  It's incredible how important it is to meet challenges together and also to seek them out!  Marriage is a partnership between the two of you as a couple and God, and marriage cannot work without 110% from each of the three involved. Little teamwork displays such as navigating the best course over creeks, helping each other up and over boulders, finding shelter during a storm, protecting one another, communicating openly and directly, and accomplishing small attainable goals did so much for filling our hearts and spirits.  Find joy in marriage, and if you're in a season where that's not really natural, spend some time in prayer and then MAKE joy in your marriage!  Do the work, and you will reap the benefits!
3. God's creativity was so apparent and gave me so many reminders of things I am grateful for! It was nice to spend some quiet time away from technology and the trappings of our over-stimulated, busy world! It was good for my soul to have to slow down.
4. The physical benefits were immediate for me.  Although it was humid at first, the clean air, the increase in heart rate, the stretching of muscles, and the cooling and cleansing rain just made me feel good!  (Not to mention, I slept like a baby that evening!!!)
5. This hike was one of many amazing memories that my husband and I will be able to look back on and smile.  From the feelings of accomplishment, to the romance of feeling like the only two people in the world, to the breathtaking views of our own home state, our little adventure simply made me want more memories just like these!

I hope you get inspired to get up and GO! Make joy and memories!