Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Date Night Ideas

Fact - I  l u r v e  my husband. 

Fact - I  l u r v e  going on dates with him.

(He is pretty studly, after all, and I love to show him off sometimes).

Fact - I  l u r v e  saving money.

(This is especially important because we both work so hard for what we have, and God calls us to be the best financial stewards we can be).

Fact - I  l u r v e  the season of fall!

Put it all together, and what do you get? We need a list of cost-effective fall date night ideas!

So, curl up with your blanket and cup of coffee, and get yourself situated by the fireplace, because here is a list of some fabulous fall date night ideas!  I'm going to make it my mini bucket list to accomplish all of these great dates with Dusty before the bitter chill of winter sets in!

1.  Take a hike! No, literally. Take a hike together.  Not only will you be forced to unplug from the technology of today's world, but you will also get to feel the accomplishment of a) working out, b) seeing some gorgeous scenery, and c) accomplishing a goal with your mate! Triple win, in my book, and all it costs is money for gas and snacks! Score!

2.  Find a pumpkin patch and go pick your perfect punkin together!  I know in our area, the cost of a pumpkin is between $0.50 - $5.00 depending on the size, but walking around the pumpkin patch and seeing everyone having such a good time is sure to do your heart good.  Plus, who doesn't love good fall decor?

3.  Go apple picking!  We are blessed to live in a Southern state that has a healthy helping of orchards, and for most places, you're looking at about $3.00 per pound of apples, which can be a lot of fun!  Just seeing the trees and how they're harvested can be interesting and not to mention delicious!  Tis the season!

4.  Host an in-house cooking session!  If you've chosen to go to either the pumpkin patch or the apple orchard, why not take some time to either practice your favorite recipes or try out new ones!  Can you imagine how amazing your home would smell while your fresh, homemade apple pie was baking?  Or how about the sweet anticipation waiting for your fresh apple cider to heat up?  Or, how about that scrumptious pumpkin pie that you were inspired to make after seeing all that orange goodness?  Sounds like an AWESOME date to me - and that is one example of teamwork that would produce sweet rewards!  (Har-dee-har, how did I get to be so hilarious?)

5.  Find a corn maze, and test your luck!  Some friends of ours in our small group told us about a farm near their home that offered a corn maze, a straw maze, and best of all - SQUARE DANCING!  Stop it!  We are definitely planning to hit that action up, and possibly even this weekend!

6.  Build a bonfire and roast s'mores!  This is fun for a romantic evening, but it is also fun for a group date night idea!  Throw in some cornhole, ladder golf, or can jam and some good conversation and you can make an evening of it!  If you don't have the space where you live, maybe that would be an awesome excuse to visit some friends - you can offer to bring the graham crackers, marshmallows, and good ole' Hershey's chocolate!

7.  One of the most fun romantic dates Dusty and I have been on was when he literally took me "camping" in one of the fields of land he lived on.  He knows that I'm a prissy camper at best - sorry, I love having access to an actual bathroom, and I'm not stoked about sleeping on the ground - so he set up our tent with an air mattress and it was within moderate walking distance of the house!  It was really fun to gather firewood together, roast hot dogs and make s'mores!  The stars were GORGEOUS, and the crisp fall air was perfect for snuggling up together! It gave us time to talk, and we even were woken up to see the BIGGEST deer either of us had ever seen!  (Apparently, he wasn't used to humans being in his stomping ground and decided to check it out since we weren't moving).  It was awesome!

8.  Have your own pumpkin carving contest! Now this one can turn out to be hilarious!  Set the rules and time constraints ahead of time, and once the timer is set, it's off to the races!  Now, if you are on the klutzy side, maybe you should stick to a pumpkin decorating contest. In my experience, ER visits are neither cost-effective nor romantic.

9.  Get in the Halloween spirit by either trying on costumes together or making your own!  There are so many hilarious costumes on the market and even more hilarious ideas, so I see this as a fairly inexpensive way to keep each other laughing!  Then, you'll be ready for Halloween parties or for the adorable kids that show up at your door!

10.  This one is a little bit unique, but how about taking the time to volunteer your time together?  From your local soup kitchen to county-level little league football teams, and local Relay-4-Life events to collecting Christmas gifts for children or elders in need, there is no time like this time of the year to give back to your community.  It is vital to give together.  It is massively important to make this a priority in your life, especially during the time of year that usually causes all of us to consider all of the things we're grateful for.  Why not show your gratitude for all you have by giving to those who don't have as much?  Best of all, this date will only cost you your time.  I can guarantee that your love for one another and for your brothers and sisters in the world will grow, and that, friends, is priceless.

Any ideas you'd like to add?


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