Sunday, November 3, 2013

With A Grateful Heart - Day 3

Day 3

Today, I am so grateful for my Sundays.  Sunday is definitely one of my favorite days of the week.  

Dusty and I start our morning with 9am church service.  From the moment we pull into the parking lot, we are welcomed with huge smiles and open arms.  I get my coffee, we head to our seats somewhere in the sanctuary where our family has gathered, and we start praising and worshiping our great and glorious Heavenly Father!

The act of going to church together feeds my soul, and it really helps me to get my week started.  I love that the message always seems applicable to my life and I adore the new and deeper levels our church takes us in our relationship with Jesus.

I love the carefree, Sabbath-nature of Sunday.  If we want to nap, we nap.  If we want to grab lunch somewhere, we do it.  If we want to spend the afternoon with family or friends just hanging out and playing football (Dusty) or crafting (Ribs), we can do just that.  We watch football when it's on and root on our teams. Dusty watches NASCAR on TV, while I cuddle with our puppies and our kitten, which usually causes me to nap against my will. We catch up on chores, and we usually end our Sunday with cooking and sharing a meal together.

Sundays are GLORIOUS, and I am so grateful for them!

What are YOU grateful for today?

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