Thursday, October 10, 2013

That's A First!

This will be a silly post to most but for me, I felt the need to document one of the "firsts" of my life that occurred yesterday.

I was driving up and over the mountain Dusty and I live on going to pick up pizza and drinks for {DUSTYRibs} (our church small group of super awesome people!).  It was about 6:30pm, so there was one of the most glorious sunsets I've seen in awhile.

Example of the kind of sunsets God's been giving us lately in our area!

So, I'm driving and I get to a place where there's a residential section on my left and the wooded area of the mountain on my right, and I see a black figure that I genuinely thought was a German Shepherd frolicking in the woods.

The "dog" started to jog from one side of the ditch, down into the ditch, and then when he popped up on the side of the ditch closest to the road (and inadvertently, me in my adorable Honda Civic), I realized that this large dog was in fact a 

Luckily for me, he saved me the most horrible phone call to Dusty saying that I had been hit by a bear and my car was totaled, because - let's face it - that probably would have been the case.  In my experience, bears are way more solid than dogs, and as safe as my Honda claims to be, I'm not 100% confident that I would have won that little altercation.  At the last possible second, the bear decided to stop, turn around, and bound back into the woods.

Well played, kind sir.  Many thanks from your girl, Ribs.

Needless to say, it was an experience that was simultaneously awesome and terrifying at the same time, and I was equal parts stoked that I actually saw a real live bear and horrified because he and I share living space much more closely than I'd ever anticipated.

So here's to firsts!  Live them, celebrate them, and in this case, I think I'm okay if there is never a second!

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