Thursday, August 22, 2013

7 Days of Marriage Wisdom

In life, it's important to remember the bottom line - the big picture.  For me, my bottom line is that "anything worth having comes from hard work."  It really covers every aspect of my life.  When I work hard at my job, I see the fruits of my labor.  When I work hard at my Cardio Funk gym class, I get less jiggly and feel better about myself.  When I throw myself into God's Word and maintain our relationship through prayer, He speaks so much louder to me.  When I work hard on my marriage every day, it makes it exponentially easier to navigate tough times.

I think that many people go into different endeavors in life expecting that once they "make it," it should be easy.  I say, "no sir, no ma'am."  I say, anything worth having comes from hard work.  Now, don't get me wrong - when it comes to my marriage, for example, the ins and outs of our every day life are not hard work, or at least it doesn't feel like hard work to me. I'm blessed to have married a man that I jive with - someone who gets me and loves me for me (and he got the same blessing when he married me).  But, there are seasons of marriage and life that are hard, and it's in those times that the hard work carries you through.  When you are constantly trying to have the best marriage you can, you find that when the times arise that you're tossed out into the raging seas of trial and turmoil, you cling to one another and you try to survive....together.


I saw this post on Pinterest and just fell head over heels in love with it!  I think this is amazingly well done, and by a ministry that I really enjoy.  Naturally, I felt compelled to share it. 

I think these are seven practical nuggets of wisdom, and I know that if you practice each day's nugget every week, your relationship or marriage will benefit - actually, I know that YOU will benefit.  Being kind and respectful and purposeful just does something to your soul.  It nourishes it and makes it feel alive, and who doesn't want more of that?

So here's to life's endeavors!  May we all work hard so that we may enjoy everything in life worth having!


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