Thursday, September 12, 2013

Not Welcome Here!

Okay, folks, I must set the scene on one of the most horrifying events that has ever taken place since handsome hubs, Dusty, and I moved into our home.  It was a morning just like every other morning - I was rushing around, getting ready for work and going over my to-do list for that day.  Dusty had left work work already, as he'd been called in early.

I grab my breakfast, my water, my work bag, and my purse (can you imagine how full my arms were at this point?), and I leave the house just like any other day.  But it was not any other day.  That day, I had a morning visitor.  Not a welcome morning visitor.

This is seriously just to the left of my front door, and just before you reach the stairs.  This is definitely the most efficient way to get to the car, especially when I was as loaded down with things as I was this particular morning.  Going out and around the back was simply not going to work.

What did I do?


Then, I called Dusty.  Four times.  He was busy at work by this point and probably didn't even hear the phone.  I wanted to just jump in the car and go to work but I was plagued with fear that this little bugger would get into our house somehow and attack our puppies!  It was one of those completely irrational fears, and I do know that.  The fear of not knowing where it had gone was almost more crippling than the fear of the fact that it was chilling on my front porch.  Cul-de-sac? Fine. Driveway? Peachy-keen, jelly bean. Sidewalk? Toeing the line. Front porch? Not cool.  Not okay.

Dusty finally called me back and told me to go to work and he'd "take care of it."  I found out later that this entailed him calling a friend of ours who lives close by, Chris, and having him come dispose of the snake.  Believe it or not, I really do feel bad that this guy no longer ceases to live because all-in-all, he was pretty small.  I'm not going to go completely over-dramatic and act like there was an anaconda on our porch.  But I am deathly afraid, and even though I would have been perfectly fine with him being "released into a better place," I figured this would be the eventual outcome.

I did say a prayer asking for forgiveness and I asked God to tell this creature's friends to please respect our bubble.  I also thanked God for allowing me not to die of a heart attack, because I feel like it was pretty close for a second there.

This left me wondering:  what are you really and truly afraid of?  Bees, snakes, spiders, or something deeper than that?  Feel free to comment here on on our facebook page!


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